Three Day Antique Furniture Recognition Course
2025 dates are FULL!
£545 per person

Over three days we review a huge variety of British furniture. We focus on a comprehensive range of topics to equip you with an in-depth knowledge of antique furniture. The course has maximum of eight people and tries to be as interactive as possible. Each day is structured to combine theory with practical work. Pieces of theory are followed by the opportunity to handle and closely inspect fine furniture, dating items and identifying woods used, and discovering if something has been adapted or transformed.

What We Will Cover On This Course:

– Examining furniture both in the workshop and elsewhere – Understanding and identifying woods – Reviewing styles of furniture and understanding their periods – Chairs -styles and period – The importance of furniture restoration and its effects. – Looking at adapted and transformed furniture – Recognising fakes from the genuine article.

The course is based around handling and looking at different examples of furniture, whether they are original or made later. Then ultimately being confident to come up with a concluding, this is all vital information required when you go to an auction and aware what you are looking at, this is not easy and it does take years to perfect.

The three day course starts at 9.30am daily and finishes at 5pm, all stationery is provided. A delicious lunch is provided daily with wine, this is a perfect time to digest the morning’s work and ask questions.

Accommodation & Other Information:

People come from all corners of the world to attend our “Know Your Antiques” courses and enjoy a break away in rural Angus. We can provide accommodation on-site on a fully catered or self catering basis – do see the Residential Course Option for prices or e-mail